Every student is required to possess and read the school prospectus and calendar and it must be brought to school daily.  Ignorance of the rules will not be accepted as an excuse.

Specimen signature of the parent or guardian has to be shown by every student on the front page indicated in the calendar.  Parents are also required to sign at the end of the Disciplinary Regulations section as an acknowledgement of the School Rules and Regulations.

Students  must  be  present  for  the  Morning  Prayer  and Assembly at 8.00 a.m.  The school gate will be closed at 8.00 a.m.  Even if a student resides far from school, no excuse will be accepted for persistent late coming.  Habitual late comers will have to return home and incidence of coming late more than thrice a month will invite a fine of Rs. 100/-.

Students who come to school early must proceed to their classrooms and observe strict silence, devoting their time to study. No students should be found loitering or idling away her time during the study hours.  All students must leave the school premises by 3.45 p.m. the latest, except on the days when they are involved in school activities.

At the bell before the morning session all the students must fall into ranks in the auditorium by 8.10 a.m.  All movements from the auditorium to the classrooms, as well as from one classroom to another is to be in file and in silence. Playing in the classrooms or in corridors is strictly prohibited.  Disciplinary action will also be initiated to the students who are found playing.

No student is allowed to leave the classroom without the permission of the teacher or until the class is dismissed.  No student in allowed to leave the school premises during school hours including short break and lunch break without the written permission of the Principal or her deputies.

In the absence of a teacher in the class, the Class Prefect will maintain discipline.  The students must obey the Class Prefect appointed to maintain order.

Everyone is expected to speak English in school.

Preparing daily lessons and class assignments must be the prime duty of every student.  They are expected to be diligent in their study and work.  They should also submit all the assignments on time.  Students will not be allowed to appear for the examination if the assignments / projects are incomplete and not submitted within the stipulated time period.

Strict silence in the classrooms and orderliness on the corridor is to be maintained during school hours.  Students are not allowed to bring any object to school which would prove as a source of distraction to the other students.

Irregular attendance, insubordination to Teachers, habitual inattention to school work, obscenity in word or action are sufficient reasons for temporary or permanent dismissal of a student.  Other offences such as habitually coming late to class, damaging school property particularly writing / inscribing / defacing of desks or walls, ruining the school furniture etc. are punishable according to the nature of offence including fines.

Books and other articles should have a name or mark by which the owner can be easily known. The school does not hold itself responsible for the loss or damage of such articles.

Books, periodicals or papers of any objectionable character should not be brought to school. Slam books are strictly forbidden.

Students who lose library books or break laboratory equipment will have to make good the loss.  They must also pay for the damaged, defaced, lost and mutilated pages or any other damage which is discovered, on the return of books and articles as per actuals.

The campus must be kept neat and clean at all times.  Littering the classroom and campus, defacing the walls or desks / benches, damaging school property are considered as serious, punishable offences.

Punctuality and regular attendance are insisted upon.  Leave of absence from school for weddings, functions… must be applied for, in writing well in advance.  The general terms of excuse such as: ‘for business’, ‘for some ceremony’ and the term ‘I am not aware of the rules’ are not entertained.

If a student is likely to be absent for more than a week due to illness, the Principal must be informed immediately.

A student who has been absent from school or has arrived late must produce the calendar with the leave note entered and signed in the Leave Record by a parent or guardian.  This must be countersigned by the Principal or her deputies without which entry into the classroom is not allowed and will then be marked as absent.  In case of absence for a day only, the class teacher may countersign the leave note.  For absence of two or more days, the students must produce the signed Leave Record.  Absences for illnesses must be supported with an evidence such as a doctor’s medical certificate.  Absence without prior permission or without proper authorization is subjected to fine per day, to be levied by the school.

Special note shall be taken for absence without leave from school prior to or after examination and at the reopening of classes after any short or long holidays.  A fine will be levied for any unauthorized leave.

If a student present in the forenoon sessions requires leave in the afternoon, a letter should be brought from the Parents and that must be countersigned by the Principal or her deputies.

A student who has been suffering from an infectious disease must produce a medical certificate from a registered medical practitioner, so that she may attend school without the risk of conveying infection.

Cell phones are strictly prohibited in the school and classrooms during school hours.  Expensive articles like digital cameras, mp3 players, iPod etc should not be brought to school.  If brought the same would be confiscated and will not be returned.  The student is also liable to be suspended from school. The Management has the right to check the belongings of any students in case of suspicion.

Students must be polite in their speech; courteous in their manner and gentle with one another. They are expected to grow in a refined and matured conduct with self-discipline.  They must respect all their teachers, administrative and support staff and co-operate with the School Leaders, House Captains and Class Prefects.

Students must attend seminars, workshops, orientation programmes and special classes whenever they are arranged by the school.  Absenting from these sessions without a genuine reason will result in serious action.

All students are expected to attend school on the reopening day after every vacation.  No one will be allowed to take leave earlier than the day on which the school closes.  Absentees on the reopening day after every vacation and the last working day will be charged a fine of Rs. 200/-, unless they have a genuine reason.

No students or staff member will be called to the telephone during school hours.  However, urgent messages will be conveyed to them.

Every student is expected to carry her packed lunch.  No student will be allowed to leave the school premises during the lunch break. As per police guidelines no lunch basket should be delivered at the school gate or even at the school’s office counter.