Please read the rules listed in the calendar and ensure that your child conforms to these rules.

Encourage your child to take active part in the various activities of the school.

Co-operate with the school by seeing that your child is regular, punctual and that they prepare their daily lessons.  They must be motivated to take interest in studies and make the desired progress and not to be excused on the slightest pretext.

Test / Examination Papers and Progress Report Cards are sent home for signature. Parents must carefully look into the documents, sign it and promptly return it to school.

Parents are asked to keep an eye on attendance, leave and absence record, uniform record and late attendance record.  They must sign the observations / remarks made by the Teacher / Principal in the calendar.

Encourage your child to be neat, clean, self-reliant in her work.  They should also help you in keeping your home clean and tidy as this will inculcate in them the idea of dignity of work.

Avoid criticizing the school or the teachers in front of your children for it causes them to lose respect for their superiors.  Should you have a legitimate complaint or feel that your child is not making satisfactory progress, you must meet the Principal on any working day of the school from 11.00 a.m. –  12 noon or between 1.30 p.m. –  2.30 p.m. For any transaction kindly contact the office between 2.00 p.m. and 3.00 p.m.

Parents and guardians are not permitted to enter the classrooms and meet the children or talk to the teachers when they are engaged with their classes.  The teachers will not entertain anybody during class hours without the written permission of the Principal or Vice Principal.

On prior appointment parents can meet and seek the help of the school counsellor with regard to their child.

Parents are not allowed to park their vehicles inside the school premises.

Any damage done in or around the school premises must be made good by the parents / guardian of the student who is responsible for the same.

Parents are not allowed to meet the teachers before the school assembly in the morning or after school hours. They are permitted to meet the teachers on Fridays


STD I/II 2:15 PM – 3:00PM

STD III/IV 2:45 PM – 3:15PM

STD V-X 3.25 PM – 4:00PM

Parents and guardian must not interfere in the Management’s right to admit or refuse a pupil  ( Rule 56 : Grant-in-Aid Code for schools )