The school library has a collection of fiction and non-fiction books and also subscribes both Indian and International Magazines and Periodicals.

Religion and Moral Science / Value Education classes are conducted twice a week to instill religious and moral values among our students.  Retreats, Meditation, Eucharistic Celebrations and other Sacramental Services are compulsory for all Catholic Students.

Physical Education and Games is compulsory for all the students in the school and exemption is granted only on medical grounds.  A medical certificate and relevant records have to be submitted.  The school team also participates in the Inter-School Athletics and Games Tournaments.

Elocution, Debating, Art, Music, Dance, Abacus, Martial Arts, Guides, Charlian Bees, USM, Eco Club, Science Club, Literary Club, E-library, 3D Science Lab, Inter House Games and Activities form a large part of the year’s co-curricular activities.

Leadership Training, Career Guidance, Life Skills, Aptitude Learning, Family Life Education and Respect for Life are incorp0rated into the curriculum and imparted to the students.

National, State and Inter-Religious festivals are celebrated so as to appreciate the diversified culture and religion in our country and to instill the spirt of patriotism and tolerance among our students.

Field Trips, Exposure programmes like visiting schools / centers for the physically, mentally and socially challenged people, destitute homes and slums are an integral part of the curriculum for awareness and sensitizing to the major social issues and inherited inequalities.

Parent-Teacher Association meetings/ programmes are conducted for the benefit of the entire school community and to foster mutual trust and collaboration among all the stakeholders of the institution.

The institution maintains a regular ongoing contact with the former students to keep alive their commitment and to involve them in social transformative initiatives.  The follow-up meetings and programmes with out Alumna Association inspire them to become women for thers in the society.

Children are exposed to various kinds of pressure, stress, strain, danger and threats in the society and hence they are in need of counselling.  A qualified and trained counsellor in school is committed to counsel and support the students with an aim to motivate them and enable them to become women of higher levels of personal competence, conscience and compassion.