All students should wear the following prescribed school uniform on all school days, for school functions or when representing the school as a group.


  • Royal Blue dress, belt and black shorts
  • Blue nylon ribbons / hairband
  • Navy blue ankle length socks and black low-heeled shoes
  • A dark blue pullover with the school monogram on it whenever required.
  • House Uniform to be worn at every Mass P. T. with white socks and black shoes

STD V to X

  • Plain white short sleeve blouse with collar and the school tie.
  • Royal Blue skirt with four pleats and black shorts
  • White nylon ribbons / hairband
  • White ankle length socks and black low-heeled shoes
  • A dark blue pullover with the school monogram on it whenever required.
  • A navy blue blazer for students of Std VIII to X
  • Sports ( P.T.)  – House T-shirts, track pants, white ribbons, house socks, black shoes.

Birthday dresses are allowed only for students of Std I and II.  Students should be modest in their attire.  No one is allowed to use any type of make-up.

Plastic hairbands, fancy clips and ear-rings, rings and bangles or any type of decoration is strictly forbidden.

Finger nails are neither to be painted nor allowed to grow long. Applying mehndi on the hands is not permitted in school.

Hair left loose/ coloring of the hair is not permitted and it must be in two plaits.  Short hair must be secured so as to be off the forehead.  Avoid fancy haircuts and style during holidays.

Students ( Std I to VII ) are not allowed to wear wrist watches.

Gold. Silver, costume jewelry, bindies, nose rings, anklets or any other wear is strictly not permitted inside the school premises.

Occasionally when students are allowed to wear colored dress, they have to avoid wearing transparent, sleeveless, extremely short sleeved, flimsy and tight fitting tops, shorts and pants.

Students who do not ear the proper uniform will invite disciplinary action.

All uniforms should be of knee length.  Personal hygiene and cleanliness are expected from every child.